Wednesday, January 1, 2014

0 Keeping The Correct Safety Equipment In Your Boat

By Maryl Joop

While some car accidents may indeed be unavoidable, this is rarely the case. There are actually many things that drivers can do in order to drive in a way that keeps them and other motorists safe while on the road. Included here are some common causes of car accidents and how to avoid them:

Texting If you need a reason not to text while driving, let's start with a statistic: drivers who text are 23 times more likely to crash their car. Ever since the advent of smart phones, many drivers feel that keeping in contact with friends via text is a manageable activity in which to participate while driving.

First of all, it is important for you to have an emergency plan which you discuss with your family ahead of time. By sitting everyone down and going over what to do in an emergency and assigning every person a job to do, it will reinforce the best ways to proceed in an emergency.

Here are a few of the items you should have in your boat every time you go out on the water. First and foremost, you must have Coast Guard-approved flotation devices for each person aboard the boat. There are three different types of personal flotation devices. Type I and II are designed to flip a person up if they are unconscious; they are more restricting to wear.

Trying to balance a burger in one hand while holding the steering wheel in the other might seem like an acceptable way to multitask, but studies have shown that it will lower your reflexes and distract you from your driving long enough for an accident to happen.

Typically speaking, you are going to want to have some food and water in these kits, as well as a couple of changes of clothes and some blankets and things like flashlights and medical kits. It is unlikely that you will need everything in these kits, but it is best to be prepared and being over prepared, in the case of an emergency, simply cannot be done.

Drowsiness It seems as if everyone has a story about driving while exhausted. In fact, over half of all drivers say they have driven while drowsy during the past year. While it might seem tempting to assume drowsiness is just something we can will ourselves to overcome, the fact is that we don't fully understand its effects.

Many people think that if they can just stay awake while driving, they'll be fine. However, drowsy driving doesn't always refer to people who fall asleep at the wheel. Drowsiness hinders reflexes, awareness, and decision making, even if it seems like you are just as capable as normal. So make sure to get enough sleep and eat appropriately in order to ensure you aren't drowsy when driving.

With this homeowners insurance in Thousand Oaks, a family will be able to protect their home, possessions, and their personal finances in the event of a fire in the home or other damages done to the home.

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