Monday, February 10, 2014

0 5 Weird Insurance Policies

By Maryl Joop

Most of us hope and pray the day will never come that anyone else's life depends on us. Although this does not change the fact that they day may still come, which means we should all be prepared for it. After all, it happens often enough on television that it is bound to happen in someone's life someday, right?

We must first understand that medical emergencies that we have seen on television are not the same as real medical emergencies. For example, if someone in a hospital is flat-lining, what do you expect them to do? Based on the shows that I have seen, I would expect someone to revive him by using a defibrillator and shocking him back to life, pronto. This would have the opposite effect intended, however. Defibrillators are intended to be used to restart your heart when it starts going too fast.

This being said, having a long term illness does not need to have an overarching negative effect on anyone's life. Even though long term illness is uncomfortable and generally awful, it is extremely important for people experiencing these illnesses to find the things they enjoy most in life, and do those things.

The best way to revive someone that has just flat-lined is to use CPR. It stands for cardiopulmonary resuscitation and its purpose is to restart the blood flow to prevent any brain damage. It must be applied within six minutes of the patient losing blood flow or it will be ineffective.

The first step is to apply chest compressions at least two inches deep at a consistent rhythm of at least 100 a minute. Then, you must exhale into the patient's mouth to create artificial airflow. This may restart their flow enough to start the heart to make it shockable.

The circumstances and treatment differ slightly for those whose hearts have stopped due to drowning. CPR may only be started after the victim has been taken out of the water onto solid ground. Only then will the process be effective. In these cases the victims will have water in their lungs, and when they awake will have to spit that out.

If you are in an emergency situation and you see someone in unconscious in colder temperature waters, CPR could still possibly save them. Once a child was rescued from drowning after being submerged for over an hour in 37 degree Fahrenheit water. For whatever reason, the cold water preserves lives longer and in this case, the child did not suffer from any brain damage.

Whatever the emergency, you will hope that when you or your loved one is taken to the emergency room you have medical health insurance to cover any costs. And do everything in your power to prevent anyone you know from having to be sent to the emergency where it might be too late.

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