Sunday, January 19, 2014

0 Are You A Bad Driver?

By Maryl Joop

So you think you don't have the time or just don't have the experience or education to take care of your car. Well I have news for you! It's really not as hard as it looks and many mechanics get a premium for these simple tasks that we could be doing at home. Here are some things that you should be able to do on your own with relative ease. By doing some of these, you will not only save money but keep you and your loved ones safe at the same time.

Air Filter Your air filter needs to be changed at least once a year or around 12,000 miles. Paying a mechanic for something this simple should never be done. If you pop the hood of your car and notice that black rectangular box with clips, then you are on the right track to finding out how to change your filter. First take out the old one and remember how the old one sat. Then get a new one and insert it the same way...pretty simple right? Well the filter only costs about $10 and it takes less than 15 minutes.

Mirrors are required on every car for a reason. How often do you look in your mirrors? Do you favor just one mirror, or do you let each help you gain a full picture? You do not have spidy-senses like Spiderman. If you feel above the need for mirrors, you are a bad driver.

This is a must-do-at-home project, unless you are simply too lazy or busy to do it yourself. It costs about 10-20minutes and it is even easier than the air filter. Here is how you do it: first take the remove the old blades off (once again, it is important to remember how you take it off so you know how it all goes together). Don't try and muscle things off.. This goes for almost everything in your car. To many times people will watch mechanics that bang and hammer things into place. There is often a simple and effective approach to putting things together. Sometimes all it takes is patience and systematic thinking. Take your new wiper blades and put them on, making sure you aren't bending or scratching anything. Most wiper blade sets have instructions with them, so if you ever get lost you can reorient yourself.

Now, spray the entire drum brake and the entire mechanism with a brake cleaner, being careful to keep your asbestos respirator on so you do not breathe in the harmful chemicals.

If your engine is not starting, you may find that your spark plugs need to be replaced. This should happen every 30,000 miles. It may seem like a big job since it isn't just one of those things that is outside of the engine... we are actually talking about getting in there! Don't be intimidated though cuze all it takes is a 12" socket extension and you should be good. First you need to remove the wire above the first spark plug. Use your socket to remove the old spark plug and then put in the new one. It is just like a game you played when you were a toddler. Now make sure you don't overtighten things. Now you can go on to the next spark plug you need to replace. Make sure you do not mix up the order of the wires there is a certain order they need to be in. That is why it is best to only take on one at a time.

Use these tips to get ahead on your car maintenance this year and don't forget to get Auto Insurance from Lakewood, CA because that is one of those things you really should save on!

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